Water, Sanitation and hygiene (WATSAN) Program under Jibon O Jibika (J-O-J) Project

Access to a clean, protected water supply and appropriate sanitation facilities and promote to hygiene are the part of foundation of healthy household. J-O-J has used a multi-pronged strategy to increase access to safe water and sanitation supported by NGO Forum/SC-USA. Under this project, we rehabilitated existing tube-wells, sinking new tube wells where there are no safe water sources in the vicinity, establishing Village Sanitation Centers (VSC), to increase the availability of low cost latrines at the community level, formed Village Development Committees (VDC) in each ward to carry out water, sanitation and hygiene activities, and using a set of behavioral change communication strategies to raise awareness of the communities on safe water, sanitation and personal hygiene practices.

We implemented hardware and software activities under this project in twelve are Unions of Patuakhali Sadar Upazila from June 2005 to March 2010. A productively, the following activities were implemented that are popular folk media for WATSAN campaign, WATSAN Fair, Mobile film Show, Observation of National and International days, Courtyard meeting with community female groups, Community meeting with male Groups, Meeting with VDC, School WATSAN Program, Orientation for Religious Leaders, Mosque based discussion, Instillation of deep tub-well, Orientation for caretaker training and distributed tub-well tools for repairing and maintenance, Rehabilitation of nonfunctioning water points, Motivated to setup new latrine at household level, Ring slap distribution, Capacity building training for VDC members on arsenic Screening, Union based WATSAN meeting, Orientation for private VSC winners, Installation Deep Tube-well, Installation School Latrine, Rickshaw painting, Setup Billboard, Wall-painting, Installation of Village Sanitation Center and others sensitization activities.

Software quantities based activities:

Sharing meeting with Union WATSAN Committees-12, Formed Village Development Committees-108 and meeting-2484, Union WATSAN meeting-216, meeting with religious leader-24, Courtyard meeting with female group-6624, Community meeting with male group-2304, Masque based discussion-246, School WATSAN discussion-30, WATSAN based Rally-60, Drama-24, Micing-60, Mobile Film Show-84, WATSANT Fair-5, Day observation national and internation-12, Meeting with representative of local Govt.-36 and PRA-108.

Hardware quantities based activities:

Deep Tube-well (DTW) installed-48, Installed school latrine-01, Rickshaw Painting-80, Setup Bill Board-12, Wall Painting-12, established Village Sanitation Center (VSC)-06, Rehabilitation of inactive tub-well-242 and Arsenic screening-3062. For sustainable of WATSAN activities, we are providing some inputs and time to time keep monitor and follow-up.