Protection of Children in Cyclone "SIDR" affected Child Friendly Space (CFS)

Statement of the Problem

According to the latest Government figures 8.5 millions of people were affected by “SIDR” and half of them were children. Initial assessment of the affected areas showed the crucial need of protection support especially for children. Thousands of children were lost their homes and displaced, some lost family members and friends, schools and health system were not working in the areas and the children were suffering from anxiety, neglect and vulnerabilities of abuse, exploitation and trafficking which portray the need for special attention on child protection in the affected areas.

Implementing strategy:

The spaces as a CFS venue has established for three months in cyclone centre and primary school in the locality where cyclone Sidr affected area. The pre setup cyclone shelters which have space for gathering children and open space within the community has used separately for child friendly spaces. Two adolescents volunteers with one centre manager was involved in one space that was accommodated 200 children. The children were accommodating by dividing them in to 3 groups. The adolescents volunteers were job oriented for utilizing the recreational kits and conducting psychosocial activities were conducted to refresh the volunteers skill to run sessions with children. The cook was recruited from the community to prepare one time hot meal for the children. The drinking water and sanitation facilities was arranged by locally.


The primary stake holders of the project were children affected by Cyclone Sidr in Kalapara and Mirjagonj Upazila, the two most affected upazila of Patuakhali District. Secondary stakeholder would be the family of these children who in turn were getting relief to send the children in the safe space and concentrated in the rebuilding their house and livelihood.

Outcome results

  • By providing the psychosocial support among the cyclone Sidr affected children and engaging in recreational activities affected children return to normalcy into their lives.
  • By keeping children in the safe spaces, the parents and adults are working in their own domestic work such as repairing of house, collecting the relief and harvesting.
  • In post disaster 3months project period, children were protected from violence, abuse and exploitation by sheltering the Child Friendly Space (CFS).
  • Drop out children’s are coming to primary school regularly.
  • The children have grown and access to basic services such as safe water, food, education and health care.
  • They have grown the self confidence how to overcome the crisis period.
  • After completion the providing of CFS technical support, the children are playing the games in CFS centre areas regularly.
  • Existing, the beneficiaries of CFS child are coming to primary school regularly.

Challenges, problems encountered and undertaken the CFS:

  • Time and fund was constant
  • After completion the project, the CFS supported children may be not come in school regularly.
  • Secondary stakeholder, Char basin the parents of children were illiterate and they were less interested to take the CFS support positively.
  • Different place different local culture, the volunteers and staff faced the difficulties by the local people
  • The hot meal raw foods price were very high, According to market price the budget was not sufficient.
  • From CFS centre to local raw goods daily market was far distance, the local road communication was not good. It was difficult to produce hot meal and provide the meal to children timely.


  • The beneficiaries of CFS child are coming to primary school regularly
  • The children have grown the self confidence how to overcome the crisis period.
  • Cyclone Sidr affected children return to nonviolence normal life by receiving CFS services
  • Now the children are well award where the access of their basic services such as safe water, food, education and health care.

Lesson Learned:

  • Increasing the experience among the volunteers and staff on saving and safety of children.
  • Cyclone Sidr affected children may return to nonviolence normal life by providing the psychosocial support among the children and engaging in recreational activities.
  • The children character is adaptable, they can adapt himself easily within a very short time psychosocial and game kits support is essential to grow independently.