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Your Support can Save Lives

Make a small donation to help these children receive their chance in life

Flagship Programs

Society Development Agency (SDA)’s thematic areas

school image of SDA


Education is our top priority. Find out how can you contribute.

food image of SDA


We plan to increase the number of food for providing to vulnerable.

health & nutrition image of SDA

Health & Nutrition

We are accepting donated medicines in good quality or money donation. 

Become a Volunteer

Together We Can Change The Underprivileged

Latest News

Society Development Agency (SD)’s thematic areas

school image of SDA

News 1

Education is our top priority. Find out how can you contribute.

SDA Banner Image 11

News 2

We plan to increase the number of food for providing to vulnerable.

SDA Banner Image 11

News 3

We plan to increase the number of food for providing to vulnerable.


News 4

We are accepting donated medicines in good quality or money donation. 

Donors & Partners

These kids require your help!

Patuakhali Office

Dhaka Office

Galachipa Office